LEARNING TO GET ALONG - A set of books to teach skills and personality for children.In life, surely all of us have encountered problems in human relationships, these troubles do not spare anyone at any age.At the young age (4-8 years old) who do not have enough skills to handle situations, resolve conflicts, etc., the troubles seem to come more often.Learning to get along is a set of 15 books that guide childrens behavioral and emotional skills through specific and close situations. Advice given by experts and beautiful, attractive color illustrations are also strengths of this book series.● Product informationNumber of pages: about 32 pages eachSize: 23cm×23cm ◎ Notes Due to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing. #英語教材#英語絵本#外国語#おうち英語#Usborne#Benesse#English#dwe#wwk#ort#英検#英語 #WWK#幼児英語#児童英語#こども英語#oxford#英語育児#公文#KUMON#Cambridge#ベネッセ